“I mean, why did you give them the food? I remember that the hospital would not allow that.”
“I picked all these carefully. there are no unattended patients.(這些都是我精挑細選的。無人照看的病人是沒有任何東西的)”怕ice不明白,她又解釋管方偉有單獨的零食是因為看他是中國人,有些零食都有中文,猜他會喜歡,況且他現在吃這些對身體沒有傷害,那裡面是沒有油炸、垃圾食品的。
“mr.Guan looks very negative. If possible, I suggest he could go to other wards and chat with them. there was also a child in a sickroom. You can play with him.(管先生十分消極。如果可以的話,我建議他可以到其他病房和他們聊天。有個小朋友也是單獨的病房。你可以找他玩)”說完,二人都沒有回話,她也識趣地離開。
她走後,ice坐下來,一副審問的模樣,說:“Are you familiar with her?
“No…maybe she is warm-hearted.”
“You can go out for a walk. You can also chat with the kid.”
“If you really want to thank me, just work hard.”說罷,把管方偉新改的程式又拿了出來,告訴他哪裡需要再改進。
“It's too slow.”他冷不丁地打斷ice的講話。
ice剛想問他什麼意思,他接著說:“Every time you e to me, then you go back to see them operate. don't you get bored?(你每次來找我,回去要看他們操作。你不會煩嗎?)”
“You can just take me over there.”他又補充說:“I can intuitively feel the problems. You can bring it up in time, too.(我能直觀地感受到問題所在,你也能及時提出)”
“I will think about it. Now I will take you for a walk.”ice沒正面回答,他心裡已經有數了。
路過那位小朋友的病房時,管方偉突然叫停,他轉頭對ice說道:“can I talk to her?”
“hi.”ice對hope打了個招呼,說:“where is your families?”
“I don't k